Spirit by Nature CD cover

Spirit by Nature CD

Words and music © 2013 by Paul Landsittel

Verse #1
I’m the chill in your spine, when you jump into the pool,
On a June afternoon, It’s the Last day of school
See you on Sunday, when church lets out,
We’ll be walking home, we’re going to sing and shout
I’m closer to you than your next breath
Just a thought away, you can call me with a prayer

I’m your free spirit, walking on holy ground
Here, there, and everywhere, (1) I’m following you around

Verse #2
I’m your way out when you’re lost at home
I will go with you when it feels so good to be alone
I’m your drive-by blessing, I come out of nowhere
I’m pushing you out of your comfort zone into thin air
(Chorus (2): …….I’ll take you around)

I’m the cover of night in your heavenly sleep
When you leave your body behind, I have your soul to keep
Verse #3
When the dark forces are surrounding you
I will be the sword, you can cut your way through

(Chorus (3): ……..We are glory bound


Paul Landsittel: guitar, vocal
Jennifer Burnett: harmony vocal
Blake Eberhard: bass
Barry Ebert: harmony vocal
Brian Mikulich: drums, percussion
Park Peters: Hammond organ